Category: Internal Terms
Intertwined Consciousnesses
Our infinite consciousness shares a connection with countless other consciousnesses based on our dimensional proximity. Our Local Consciousness Group (LCG) is connected, to a greater or lesser degree, to others’ LCGs in what is known as the Local Mesh. There are a rare few of those connections that are especially strong and we call these…
Levels of Interconnected Consciousness
To understand many of the concepts of the Infinite Us there are various levels of connected and interconnected consciousness that we need to explore. This is a list of those with links to further reading as necessary.
The Local Mesh
Your Local Consciousness Group’s family, schoolmates/coworkers, friends… neighbors. The more their Local Group has in common with your Local Group the tighter the connection.
Local Consciousness Group
When your conscious energy first cohered there were an inconceivably large number of physical “yous” throughout the multiverse. With each new decision of yours and of those around you more and more “yous” formed. The “yous that made similar decisions and lead similar lives form the Local Consciousness Group.