Intertwined Consciousnesses

Intertwined Consciousnesses

Our infinite consciousness shares a connection with countless other consciousnesses based on our dimensional proximity. Our Local Consciousness Group (LCG) is connected, to a greater or lesser degree, to others’ LCGs in what is known as the Local Mesh. There are a rare few of those connections that are especially strong and we call these Intertwined Consciousnesses.

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zen garden

Creatures of Habit

The term ‘Creatures of Habit’ means we find comfort in all things familiar: we enjoy the company of familiar souls, we rest easier in our own beds, and nothing beats a shower in your own bathroom.

But why?

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The Local Mesh

The Local Mesh

Your Local Consciousness Group’s family, schoolmates/coworkers, friends… neighbors. The more their Local Group has in common with your Local Group the tighter the connection.

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The Importance of Being Social

The Importance of Being Social

Humans are social creatures. We have understood this about ourselves for ages. It is said that a baby bereft of human interaction will die, in fact a 1944 experiment in the US proved as much. But why?

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Local Consciousness Group

Local Consciousness Group

When your conscious energy first cohered there were an inconceivably large number of physical “yous” throughout the multiverse. With each new decision of yours and of those around you more and more “yous” formed. The “yous that made similar decisions and lead similar lives form the Local Consciousness Group.

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Many Worlds

Many-Worlds Interpretation

We exist in just one, of an infinite number of dimensions. Every choice we make guides how our specific version of our dimension plays out for us and others that share our specific dimension.

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